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Revealed Secret of the Prophet Joseph Smith I
Revealed Secret of Profeto Joseph Smith II
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Mormons, Masons
Behold, the hour is to present the Prophet Joseph Smith to the world as it really was . Time to say to all Christians of our times , he as good treasure hunter who was found the powerful Treasury Aryavarta Ashram , which was hidden in the intricacies of the Gnostic schools , among whom were Freemasons and Kabbalists . Kabbalists and Masons came to the Prophet Joseph Smit through covenants and initiations Gnostic .
" Revealed Secret of the Prophet Joseph Smith " is the name of the book , written from the perspective holosótica , which brings its chapters in the mystical religious odyssey of the Prophet Joseph Smith and the historical fact about his initiation cabalistic freemasonry and connection - Mormonism .
This book aims to blithely pass clean the history of Freemasonry Connection Mormonism - and cabalistic mysteries seized by the Prophet , in the light of the paradigm holosótico , independent of ideological tendeciosidade conventional religious systems .
He intends to unlink fact from fiction , discard prejudices , fight ignorance , demystify misconceptions about this powerful connection that took place between these two renowned institutions mystical- religious .
This book is a subsidy for the study and research of all those interested in the issue of Freemasonry connection - momonismo and cabalistic mysteries .
There is nothing in this book that is new , revolutionary , miraculous, rumbling , etc. . Whatever is written here was already out there , dichotomized into parts . What we did here was just raking holistically parties , to compose a whole . The did a didactic way , with the intention to provide a comprehensive view of the seeker , based on the paradigm holosótico , the Gnostic knowledge or critical .
This book brings to light all that was hidden from the Christians in general , throughout the ages , so that they can still retrace your concepts and prejudices the path taken , reflect, meditate and set a new path going forward .
This book reveals to the world the secret of the Prophet Joseph Smit , who is the Great Secret , the Secret AZF , which was saved , over time , the Gnostic orders . Which soberam save it as a skill, such as the Kabbalists , Freemasonry , The Rosicrucian , Theosophy , Anthroposophy , Mormonism , etc. .
This book is written in two parts, Module I and Module II . Module I is conceptual part , that brings the keys of reading the codes , the enigmas and symbols . For students of Freemasonry connection - Mormonism can read the semiotic elements involved in symbolism and rituals of temples and sacred scriptures .
Is reading the Module I the reader appropriates the fundamental tools of semiotic decoding of the elements contained in Module II and understand the elements that garrisoned the Great Secret of the Prophet over all time .
Module II consists of questions with questions and answers , built by the interaction between the author and the readers . In the form below is where you can and should also participate , sharing with us his knowledge of Freemasonry connection - Mormonism , the cabalistic mysteries . Your name will be kept confidential.
For a long time he wrote , researched and studied about connecting Freemasonry , Mormonism , within a framework outlined by the mechanistic paradigm . Where the debate , ideas and discussions about the subject , almost always have been configured by ideologies and biases .
About Freemasonry Connection Mormonism , there are many articles written , many texts and many books . There is a vast literature written in mecanicita paradigm . But this is the first book written in the paradigm holosótico on this topic . Factor that will allow the reader to identify the relationship of interdependence between the parties involved in this process and all the Gnostic knowledge or knowledge Christic .
The debate over the years has always been focused only on the parts of the process and not as a whole , with strong identifications and biases among participants . In this historical debate about Freemasonry connection Mormonism were always present Masons , Mormons , the mormos - Masons , Masons - mormos , anti -Mormon , anti- Masons and Christians in general .
Most Mormons have always been in defense of the independence of Mormonism connection regarding Freemasonry , always trying to mitigate the causes, effects and consequences of connectivity that took place between Freemasonry and Mormonism .
Masons and Christians in general, historically did not understand well the purpose of this connection . The anti - momons and anti - Masons have always enjoyed the historical fact of the existence of inter - connectivity that took place between Freemasonry and Mormonism , to attack these two mystical- religious institutions , taxing the two departments of the Black Lodge .
The parties involved in the debate , in the study and research of the process of interconnectivity between Freemasonry - regarded Mormonism , could never present a complete picture of this whole process , because they lack a holistic understanding , formatted in holosótica perspective on the causes , effects and consequences of this interconnection between these two renowned institutions . .
The main purpose of this book is to present to the parties involved in this debate , with a content filled with connective holistic that will enable the interconnectivity of these parties in connection Freemasonry - Mormonism . As well as these with the whole of this process symbiotic association between the two institutions mystical- religious . For who can see the truth of the facts and build an understanding of the interdependencies of factors , set this process of connection between Mormonism freemasonry .
To achieve its purpose the book brings with it nothing more and nothing less than the revelation of the Great Secret of the Prophet Joseph Smith . This great secret that was hidden in Treasure Aryavarta Ashram , which was found by the Prophet Joseph Smit in Freemasonry and also in Kabbalah .
Access the Prophet Joseph Smit 's Treasure Aryavarta Ashram occurred both by Freemasonry as the Science of Kabbalah , which had been initiated . In Masonry he found the Treasury Aryavarta Ashram under the name The Great Secret . In Kabbalah he found the name of the Ninth Sphere . Both in Masonry as in Kabbalah Joseph Smith found all over the semiotic elements , configured in the form of symbols and rites of Christianity of all time .
The book also presents a didactic perfect on lathes of semiotic elements involved in symbolism and rituals of temples and sacred writings of these two institutions . Through reading this book the reader can understand the intereiza this connection between Freemasonry and Mormonism , to understand the factors extras on it , its causes , effects and consequences .
Mainly understand that Josep Smit became a great Pontiff for mankind , in that it provided an opportunity to pass the knowledge contained in the Gnostic elements of semiotic symbols and rituals from the past before Jesus Christ to the present times, through the connection - Freemasonry Mormonism . He was the pioneer of this feat, the protagonist of this movement out of knowledge genuinely Christed to Christianity at large .
After watching the video of the theme , listen to audio and read Parts I and II of the book , you can share with other readers , their understanding of the subject , in the form of comments . You can also socialize any doubts , send us your questions , whose answers are inserted in the book and made available to the public as well.
To do this complete the form below by placing your name, email , and send us your message . If you want deeper knowledge of gnosis that Joseph Smith found in Kabbalah and Freemasonry , which is also the Rose Cross , in theosophy and anthroposophy , etc. Assita TV Websaw daily from 20h30minh . To watch go , click on tevezinha , put your name and confirm ok ( Maurice Smith).
Fill the form below to send your message , give your opinion , make your comments , share your knowledge or to express any doubts , in the form of questions.